How to buy tickets?

1. Check the schedule

Select the means of transport, indicate the point of departure / arrival and the date of trip.

2. Select a route

Compare prices, choose a convenient time and place and pay attention to the carrier's rating.

3. Buy a ticket

Fill in the passenger details, be sure to check the information and pay for the order.

4. Everything is ready!

Print or save your ticket. After the trip, we will be glad to get a review from you.

Our advantages

1. All tickets are available online

No more queues! Any ticket can be bought on the website or in our mobile application.

2. Secure payment

All payments are made through secure payment gateways of banks, so your transaction data is reliably protected.

3. All means of transport

On our website you can buy bus, train and plane tickets at the best prices.

4. Bonus program

Register on the site and when buying tickets you will receive bonuses, which you can use to pay for your orders.

Traveler reviews of carriers
05.10.2024, 11:37
Martin Pinnington4,0

The bus was running a little late in the early hours of the morning. It was quite cramped, but partly because I’m so tall. It was difficult to get any meaningful sleep. However, I can’t say that any other bus would have been better, and…

04.10.2024, 13:53

I recently traveled with Филиал «Автобусный парк № 5» ГП «Минсктранс» on the route from Minsk Center Bus Station to Vilnius Airport on 02.10.2024 at 7:30 and I am satisfied with the service. The bus left on time and was clean and comfortable. The driver…

03.10.2024, 12:06
Prima Donna & Papi Flow4,0
LIKEBUSVarna - Constanța

We purchased a bus ticket from Varna to Constanta Romania. The bus was delayed 40 minutes and we were not notified in advanced. It was very stressful because we thought we missed it. The driver and bus staff were very polite, although the bus driver…

02.10.2024, 16:03
CITYBUS GEORGIATbilisi - Kopitnari

The ride itself was fine but bus was a bit smelly. And very late. I understand there is traffic in Tbilisi but there was zero communication about it. Around 10 people were waiting at the mari market for 45 minutes with no information till i…

01.10.2024, 12:18
FIRMA GALIZ-SV S.R.L.Chisinau - Bucharest

Autocarul, staful și calatoria in sine a fost buna. Cel puțin pe cursa cu care am făcut Chisianu-Bucuresti, București-Chisianu ora 22:00. E de menționat posibilitatea de achitare cu cardul direct la șofer. Daca as avea necesitatea de a merge la București cu siguranță voi apela…

30.09.2024, 18:28
FIRMA GALIZ-SV S.R.L.Chișinău - Bucuresti

Domnisoara de la sediul din Gara de nord foarte aroganta si ar trebui sa se invete sa relationeze cu publicul atata timp cat si-a asumat sa lucreze cu oamenii. Am venit sa intreb foarte calma despre rutiera daca ajunge caci era deja timpul de plecare…

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